Chapter 1, Page 20
…Or DO they? UPDATE 4/17/19: The Legend will resume normal updates next week. Sorry for the hiatus. * Wanna’ meet me in person this month? Are you in the Athens, OH area? Come down to RathaCon on April 27!
…Or DO they? UPDATE 4/17/19: The Legend will resume normal updates next week. Sorry for the hiatus. * Wanna’ meet me in person this month? Are you in the Athens, OH area? Come down to RathaCon on April 27!
This page was surprisingly tricky to do because of how dark the underbelly of the enemy ship is. In other news, my next convention appearance will be RathaCon on April 27 in Athens, OH. Save the date!
Yup. This is Jamie’s coming-out page to the audience. Because I would rather have this than a “oops you caught me undressing” scene. In the Huntington, WV area? Come to HerdCon! March 16 (Saturday), more deets are on their event[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
I love drawing people in motion. It’s my favorite thing. CONVENTION NEWS: I’ll be at HerdCon March 16 in Huntington, WV. The con is the first comic con hosted by Marshall University, so any and all support is appreciated! It’s[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
I’m having a LOT of fun drawing this comic! While drawing this page, I figured out a digital shading hack that helped make the process a bit faster. Here’s the article I wrote on my blog about it.
Woah, first ever on-page death I’ve drawn in a comic so far. Speaking of death – for those of you who are subscribed to my email newsletter, there will be no update this week. There was a death in the[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
IT BEGINS. Thank you for checking out The Legend of Jamie Roberts! This comic has been in the making for the last ten years of my life, and now it can finally, FINALLY, come to life. Updates will be coming[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…