Chapter 3, Page 62
Jamie’s going to take a while to adjust to Corith ideas. Let’s give them space. IN OTHER NEWS… The other webcomic I do, Validation, is back to regular updates.
Jamie’s going to take a while to adjust to Corith ideas. Let’s give them space. IN OTHER NEWS… The other webcomic I do, Validation, is back to regular updates.
I will be doing livestreams every Saturday on YouTube, from 1 pm to 3 pm EST, until further notice. Let’s connect from a distance to get through this tough time.
HOLY DANG PAGE 60. We’ve made it so far! Hope y’all are taking care of yourselves during this coronavirus thing. If things go well, there SHOULD be an appearance at Appalachian Peace Paws’s Craft and Vendor Fair on March 28[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Yup. We’re going there. IN OTHER NEWS… HerdCon has been cancelled due to the coronavirus scare. Please take care of yourselves, especially if you have autoimmune issues. And please – if you’re going to be bathing in the blood of[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Hold on to your hats – the gender reveal party hasn’t arrived yet. IN OTHER NEWS… I will be at Free Graphic Novel Day at the Saint Clairsville, OH New Dimension Comics! That’s this Saturday. I’ll be there with free[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
IN OTHER NEWS… Chapter 2 of the Legend is STILL on KickStarter. We have reached our goal, and there are TWO new reward tiers available. This project is definitely happening, so be sure to get your copy of Chapter 2[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Of course I forgot that Thomas was shirtless in this scene, but I made it so back in the tail end of chapter 2. So I kept him shirtless forĀ narrative consistency. And totally not because I like drawing buff dudes.[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Don’t you hate it when a spirit wakes you up due to their sheer creep factor? IN OTHER NEWS… Want to get The Legend of Jamie Roberts, Chapter 2? Be sure to back the KickStarter! It launches this Saturday. Sign[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
This may be the last comic cover that features a mask. Admittedly, this figure is quite creepy. But they mean well. BY THE WAY: If you’re in the Saint Clairsville, OH area, January 4 I’ll be at New Dimension Comics[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…