Chapter 1, Page 23
RathaCon was fun. Free Comic Book Day kept me busy. Next stop? 3 Rivers Comicon. May 11 and 12, Homestead, PA. More deets on the official website.
RathaCon was fun. Free Comic Book Day kept me busy. Next stop? 3 Rivers Comicon. May 11 and 12, Homestead, PA. More deets on the official website.
Big shout-out to Patreon patrons Luke and Ben S. for being pirates in the first panel! All future patron appearances will be as Corith people. If you would like to make an appearance in the comic, go check out my[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Please excuse the week-long delay to get this page up, but that last panel took FOREVER. It didn’t help that one of my side hustles monopolized my hours for the last two weeks. But now things should be back to[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
…Or DO they? UPDATE 4/17/19: The Legend will resume normal updates next week. Sorry for the hiatus. * Wanna’ meet me in person this month? Are you in the Athens, OH area? Come down to RathaCon on April 27!
Fun fact: Jamie can read super basic Vikerian (think “See Spot Run” level), but can’t speak it. All 3 of them can speak fluent common, but can only read at a 1st grade level, and none of them can write[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
This page was surprisingly tricky to do because of how dark the underbelly of the enemy ship is. In other news, my next convention appearance will be RathaCon on April 27 in Athens, OH. Save the date!
Yup. This is Jamie’s coming-out page to the audience. Because I would rather have this than a “oops you caught me undressing” scene. In the Huntington, WV area? Come to HerdCon! March 16 (Saturday), more deets are on their event[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
And so the battle ends. Time to send the enemy bodies overboard – I mean, give the fallen a proper burial at sea. REMINDER: I’ll be at Herdcon March 16th in Huntington, WV. Check out their event page for more[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…