Chapter 8, Page 179 by Kelci on February 22, 2023 at 12:01 am Chapter: Chapter 8Characters: chief matek, daniel scouter, jamie roberts, maliwe dancers, ragun basho, taiko drummers, thomas doranLocation: Maliwe PAR-TAY! (psst…Failure to Launch is still on Backerkit. You should check it out.) (Ok, that’s all.) └ Tags: action, adventure, art, clip studio paint, comic art, comic pages, comics, comics by genderqueer artists, comics by nonbinary artists, dragons, epic fantasy, fantasy, genderqueer, genderqueer characters, lgbt comics, lgbt webcomics, lgbtq comics, lgbtq webcomics, magic, monsters, nonbinary, pirates, spirits, the legend of jamie roberts, webcomics 2 Comments